20 October was International Statistics Day. Here are a few figures relating to our sector, that of Data Centers worldwide

It is estimated that global IP traffic will exceed 5.0 zettabytes per year by 2025 (4.8 in 2021: source: Cisco Visual Networking Index, 2020). Data Centers consume a significant amount of energy. In 2020, they accounted for around 1% of global electricity consumption; by 2024, they are likely to account for over 2% (source: International Energy Agency).

Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) is a key indicator of the energy efficiency of Data Centres. A PUE of 1.0 would be ideal (all energy is used for IT equipment), but most Data Centers have a PUE higher than this. In 2020, the global average PUE was around 1.58, and in 2025 the PUE is likely to widely top 2.0. And finally, Data Centers market revenues worldwide in 2021 were around 58 billion US-dollars, forecast for 2028 will reach over 138 billion US-dollars! (source: Uptime Institute)